Cyber Monday: 24% off How To SEO Your Site E-Book

Filed in Site News by Matt McGee on December 1, 2008

Update: The discount is no longer available!

ebook coverWhy should our retail clients have all the fun today?

In honor of “Cyber Monday,” I’m offering a one-day discount on my how to do SEO e-book called How to SEO Your Site in 60 Minutes. The regular price of $25 has been slashed to just $19 — that’s a whopping 24% discount! 🙂

If you need to learn how to do on-page SEO, this 21-page guide will give you everything you need to know. Click here to find out what you’ll learn, what others have said about it, and why “click here” should never appear on your web site as anchor text.

The discount will be available all day, until about 11:59 p.m. PT or thereabouts, depending on how tired I am tonight.

Update: The discount is no longer available!

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