Creative Small Business Marketing, Episode 7

Filed in Featured, MY BEST POSTS, Small Biz Marketing, Social Media by Matt McGee on September 12, 2011

How do you reward your Facebook fans? Maybe you offer them discounts. Maybe you enter them into contests. Maybe you offer them exclusive content, or sneak previews of upcoming products or company news. That’s all pretty standard these days, right? That’s why I like how this Belgian furniture store has come up with something different, something a little more creative to reward its Facebook fans: parking spots! Have a look at these images:



The company, Heylen, has painted the parking spots like this at three of its stores, according to Retail Detail. And, as that article points out, it’s probably pretty tough to actually enforce the Facebook Fans-only rule on those parking spots.

But, you know what? I don’t think that matters if that gets enforced.

What matters, in my mind, is that a furniture store has found a creative way to both reward its Facebook fans and attract new ones. It’s different. It’s unique. It’s memorable. It’s the kind of thing you might tell a friend.

Heylen’s online marketing manager, Christiane Peschen, says this is just one aspect of the company’s focus on social media. They’re promoting Heylen’s social media presence throughout the store(s) as you can see in this Flickr photo set.

Peschen says the company promotes its Facebook and Twitter presence on store receipts. And they’re planning show which piece(s) of furniture have been “liked” the most — this’ll be indicated both in the stores and in Heylen’s catalog.

Thumbs up from me. I like it — especially the parking spots. Very memorable.

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  1. Het gaat er niet zozeer om OF je social media gebruikt, maar HOE! | September 20, 2011
  1. Shane says:


    I love this series! It is so easy for business owners to get caught in the uncreative rut of tweeting because they think they have to without any thought besides – “I’m here, pay attention to me!” This series gives great ideas about how to both stand out above the noise.

    • Matt McGee says:

      Thanks for the kind words, Shane. Not sure it’s a “series” in the traditional sense since nothing is scheduled, but I’ll definitely keep calling out creative marketing ideas when I find them. Thx again. 🙂

  2. Jim Rudnick says:

    wow…what a great idea, Matt! and as already noted, this is definitely the spot to come to learn….can’t wait to hear what you have to say at the upcoming #getListedU New York workshop later this fall!!!
