Content Marketing Tips from #seochat Last Week

Filed in Blogging, SEO by Matt McGee on April 16, 2012

It was a real blast to be the guest on last week’s #SEOchat on Twitter. As I mentioned in the most recent post here, the topic was writing/content strategies and it seemed like we had a really healthy conversation going.

Here are some of the tips and comments I shared with host Greg Shuey and the rest of the folks who joined the discussion:

  1. Study the writers (or content creators) that you love. What do they do well? Why do you like them and their content? What can you learn from them?
  2. Have a goal and an audience in mind for every article or blog post you publish. Who are you writing for, and what do you hope to accomplish by publishing?
  3. Make sure your content is readable. Short sentences and short paragraphs are becoming more important due to the impact of short messaging on Twitter, Facebook and even text messages. People don’t have the same attention spans that we used to have.
  4. To become an industry leader, give your knowledge away. Tips and advice tend to do well (and get noticed) in many industries.

That’s just a quick taste of what we talked about. You can read the full chat transcript on

And thanks again to Greg and the #seochat gang for inviting me on board last week. It was a blast!

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