Coming Soon: 2009 SEMMY Awards
It’s been forever since I’ve mentioned the SEMMY Awards, but now that 2008 is almost over, the 2009 SEMMYS are just around the corner. In fact, I’ve already started organizing the lists of nominees and there are all kinds of new blogs, web sites, and authors who will be nominated — as well as a few new categories, too.
Unlike last year’s awards, in which nominees were taken solely from my monthly “Best Of” link recaps on this blog, the 2009 SEMMYS are a group effort. There are eight of us who’ve quietly spent the year looking for the best content we can find about online marketing. There’s a lot more variety on the nominee list already, and there’s still a month to go.
Target date for announcing nominees is somewhere in mid-January, just like last year. I’ll post the occasional update here on this blog, so I invite you to stay tuned.