Chris Sherman: “Don’t stretch yourself too thin”

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on September 17, 2007

I had it in the back of my head to ask Chris Sherman to do an interview for SBS, but I’m glad Lee Odden beat me to the punch. I like the answer Chris gave to Lee’s question about search marketing tips for small businesses, which reads in part:

“If you’re in a high-touch business, it’s probably worth exploring the social media & network spaces, or consider starting a blog. What I wouldn’t do, though, is stretch yourself so thin dabbling in all of these areas that you’re not effective in any. Pick an area and master it. When revenue growth follows, that’s the time to think about investing in other areas of search marketing. Otherwise you’ll be wasting time and money.”

Well said. Chris is a super-smart guy, also very kind, and I think sometimes overshadowed by his longtime friend and business partner, Danny Sullivan. It’s nice to see Chris getting the spotlight on Lee’s blog, especially in such a worthwhile interview. Here’s the link:

Interview with Chris Sherman of Third Door Media

Good stuff, guys.

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