Social Media
Longform Content on Social Media: A Great Way to Capture Attention

I don’t know if it’s a trend (yet), but I’m seeing a lot more of what I’ll call “longform content” across social media platforms. And it seems like a great way to earn attention as someone’s scrolling through a news feed. Here are some examples from Instagram, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Instagram Instagram’s 10-image limit is […]
Facebook Ads Just Got A Lot Harder for Real Estate Agents

The day of reckoning has arrived. Facebook has taken away several ad targeting options from anyone doing housing-related ads, like targeting a specific city or ZIP code (among others detailed below). The changes are based on good intentions, but also kill the biggest promise of online advertising: the ability to pinpoint ads specifically to people […]
Who Says You Can’t Do Lead Gen On Facebook Messenger?

My wife woke up a couple mornings ago and found this email notice alerting her to a new message waiting for her in Messenger. I’ve blocked the name for privacy reasons … suffice to say it’s a complete stranger. Best of all, it’s a legit lead. My wife’s made an appointment to visit this person […]
Some Facebook Pages are missing Reviews

UPDATE, AUGUST 24, 2018: Facebook is in the process of changing from “reviews” to “recommendations,” so numbers and other reporting may be off. For more information about this change, I highly recommend Aaron Weiche’s explainer article on ———- I keep hoping Facebook would just fix this problem and let me off the hook for […]
Keywords in Your Twitter Name Seem to Matter for Twitter Search

Remember that little experiment I wrote about two months ago, where I was wondering how much a keyword in your account name matters when optimizing for Twitter search? Apparently it matters. I changed the name of @GlassAlmanac, the Twitter account for my hobby site Glass Almanac, from “Glass Almanac” to “Google Glass Almanac.” The account […]
It’s 2014. Stop Cross-Posting Between Social Networks.

I’ve had enough. I keep seeing businesses and organizations auto-posting the same messages on different social networks. You can get away with it sometimes if the message is generic enough. But you can also make your company look lazy and dumb. And you can easily annoy potential (or existing) customers. Lazy, dumb and annoying … […]
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