SEMMY Awards
Last Day to Vote for the SEMMYs

This is just a quick note that today is the last day to vote for the SEMMY Awards. And while I’m at it, here are two suggestions/favors: 1. Please remind people (via Twitter, Facebook, etc.) that voting ends today and encourage them to vote in all 17 categories. 2. If you’re a finalist, encourage your […]
SEMMY Finalists Announced – Time to Vote

We announced the finalists for the second annual SEMMY Awards on Wednesday morning, and that means public voting is now open in all 17 categories. To make it this far, an article had to be noticed and nominated for inclusion by one of eight search marketers on the nominating committee, then had to be chosen […]
2009 SEMMY Awards launching next week

All signs are “go” for the 2nd annual SEMMY Awards, which will launch on Monday. If you haven’t been following the site, here are a couple recent announcements: Introducing Our 2009 Judges – the list of 25 excellent judges who are volunteering their time to choose finalists 2009 SEMMYS: 200 authors nominated; January 19 launch […]
Coming Soon: 2009 SEMMY Awards

It’s been forever since I’ve mentioned the SEMMY Awards, but now that 2008 is almost over, the 2009 SEMMYS are just around the corner. In fact, I’ve already started organizing the lists of nominees and there are all kinds of new blogs, web sites, and authors who will be nominated — as well as a […]
Tuesday Morning Tidbits

Since I’m not on Twitter, I’ll pass along a couple notes the old-fashioned way….. More on SES New York In addition to my previous post here on SBS about the SES New York conference last week, I’ve written up something with a little more detail on the video/small business session my wife and I attended. […]
2009 SEMMY Awards: Planning is Underway (Wanna Help?)

Planning is underway for next year’s SEMMY Awards, and I want to share two things in this post: first, an update on what’s going on; and second, a call for help from anyone interested. Here’s the Latest As I said all along, next year’s SEMMYs have to use a better method of finding nominated posts. […]
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