This Just In: “Deconstructing Pigeon” Session Added to @SMX East (Speakers Wanted)

In light of last week’s news about Google’s new “Pigeon” local algorithm update, we’ve decided to add a session about it at SMX East: Deconstructing Pigeon, Google’s New Local Search Algorithm I’ll be coordinating that session, and I’m looking for speakers right now! It’s scheduled for day two of the conference, which is October 1st, […]
What I’m Looking For in My Sessions at SMX East 2014

We’ve just published the SMX East 2014 agenda and I have two sessions that I’m coordinating this year — one on local search, and the second on Pinterest as a search engine and e-commerce marketing opportunity. The Speaker Pitch Form is also open, so if you’d like the chance to be part of either of […]
Need Local SEO Help? Try the Local U Forums

I’ve been remiss in mentioning that the Local University crew recently opened up a members-only local search forum that gives everyone access to conversations and Q&A with the Local U faculty, not to mention some of the smartest minds in the local search/marketing industry. It’s like drafting your own local search “dream team” and having […]
Time & Space Running Out: Sign Up for Local U Advanced in NYC

My next speaking appearance is coming up about 10 days away. For the first time (and last time if I screw it up!), I’ll be speaking at one of the Local U Advanced workshops: Local U Advanced NYC: September 30, 2013 It’s part of the full-day workshops that are happening the day before SMX East […]
Local U Advanced: The Promo Video!

I’m really proud of this. The whole Local U team is really proud of this. With the great help of Spokane’s Mojo Labs, we now have a professional, four-minute promo video that introduces the Local U concept perfectly. We shot it last month during Local U Advanced in Seattle and it turned out great. Have […]
SMX East: Local, Content & SEO Diversity Sessions (What I’m Looking For)

SMX East is coming up in a couple months (October 1-3 in NYC), but we’re already well underway with the planning. I’ll be moderating three sessions this time around, and since we’re accepting speaking pitches right now (submit yours here), I wanted to share some thoughts on what I’m looking for and what I want […]
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