Business Cards: Form over Function?

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on September 26, 2007

SBS business cardFor many small businesses, the business card is an incredibly important marketing tool; sometimes, it’s the only marketing tool a small business has! When I started Small Business SEM and realized I’d be attending conferences and other events, I decided to do an SBS card (shown at right). Nothing fancy, but you can’t beat FREE from Vista Print. 🙂

Well, Edith Yeung wrote an interesting article last week: 12 Reasons Why People Want to Keep Your Business Card. In that article, there’s a link to some of the most creative and unique business cards I’ve ever seen:

But, the question is, are these creative business cards also GOOD business cards? I started a couple discussions earlier today in case you’d like to share an opinion or read what others think:

Discussion on Sphinn
Discussion on Small Business Ideas Forum

Usually I’d encourage you to leave comments here on SBS, but we don’t need three versions of the same discussion, so feel free to hop over to the conversation of your choosing….

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  1. iamjustinm says:

    The other conversations seem to be talking about networking within the SEO community.

    I wanted to leave a good tip for SEO professionals who work mainly with local small businesses and are always handing out their cards to land more business.

    I’m making a deck of cards if you will, and on the back of each card is a unique/different “Free Killer SEO Tip”. These tips are pretty elementary, but that’s the point. I want to get the owner engaged and trying to do some SEO himself. Then if and when he/she has a question or if their interest is peaked, chaching. 😉

    My best tip is a local directory that’s cheap and is a link juice gold mine. I tell them to check their rankings before and after they submit.

    Actually, pointing them to this blog would be a good tip! 🙂