Building a Mailing List
I shared 12 Rules of Email Marketing last week, and was glad to see a related article pop up today on Best and Worst Ways to Grow an E-Mail List by Jeanne Jennings.
She’s writing in reference to a recent Silverpop study that aims to identify what works and what doesn’t in building a mailing list. You may have heard the advertising theory about a message needing to be seen at least 7 times before it enters a person’s conscience … which makes this one of the Best Practices:
Be sure to have a way to sign up for your e-mail list on every page of your Web site so matter where the visitor lands, it’s there.
Very good advice. We do exactly that on (where I work). You want to have a signup opportunity available whenever the inspiration strikes; don’t make the user click back through your site looking for the one page where you’re taking mailing list sign-ups.