Back from Columbus

Filed in Conferences/Educ. by Matt McGee on September 25, 2008

Another successful Small Business Marketing Unleashed conference is in the books, and I’m home now after having met a bunch of new people — including several small business owners who were at the show to learn about online marketing. Each attendee that I spoke with had nothing but raves for what has become the must-attend conference for small business marketing information and conversation. In fact, here’s an e-mail that was waiting for me this morning:

Matt: I attended the Columbus conference and really appreciate the information and knowledge that you shared. With most seminars you hope to pick up a couple of things to use – but I learned a lot and have a lot to implement from this one. Nice Job! Thank you very much.

At less than $1,000, SBMU is a great value for any small business wanting to get a better grip on doing better business online. The next one is being planned for Houston sometime in the spring, so start thinking now about being there.

Great thanks to Jennifer Laycock, Rachel Phillips, Robert Clough, Vickie Evans and everyone who put SBMU together. As I told Robert — as long as they’ll have me, I want to be involved with this excellent conference.

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  1. Thanks Matt!
    You are definitely part of what makes SBMU such a success. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule and for just being you. 🙂

    Here’s hoping for a long and fruitful future!
