August ’09: Best Search/Marketing Posts
Here’s my roundup of the best search/marketing posts I found and read during August. If you’re new to this blog, this is a monthly feature that began way back in 2007. You can find earlier “Best Of”s for each month in the archives: 2008 Best Posts and 2007 Best Posts. I never include my own posts in these end-of-month recaps.
Local Search
- Ash Nallawalla/Net Magellan: SEO ranking of US IYPs across 274 cities
- Andrew Shotland/Local SEO Guide: IYP SEO Rankings Report 2009
- Bill Slawski/SEO by the Sea: Opinion Summaries in Google Maps Reviews
Small Business
- Miriam Ellis/SEO Igloo: Time Or Money – Why Small Businesses Need One, The Other Or Both
- Virginia Nussey/Bruce Clay Inc.: SEO Hierarchy of Needs
- Rae Hoffman/Outspoken Media: 2003 Called; They’d like their URL structure back
- Linda Bustos/Get Elastic: Holiday SEO: Using Amazon Bestsellers for Keyword Research
- Aaron Wall/SEOBook: Source Code Validation > Common Sense
- Rand Fishkin/SEOmoz: Perfecting Keyword Targeting & On-Page Optimization
- Brad Geddes/bgTheory: Q&A Should You Bid on Your Competitor’s Name or use Their Name in Ad Copy?
Link Building
- Dave Snyder/SEJ: Link Building Evaluation Guide
Social Media
- Mack Collier/Viral Garden: Are we too worried with finding the ROI of social media?
- Patrick Winfield/10e20: 4 Ways to Optimize Your Twitter Background
- Lisa Barone/SmallBizTrends: Most Common Social Media Mistakes
- Lisa Barone/SmallBizTrends: Getting The Most Out Of YouTube
Blogs & Blogging
- John Lee/Bakedwheat Web: Discover 11 Blog Topics That Will Get Every Small Business Owner Writing Today
- Jonathan Morrow/Copyblogger: Don’t Do These 12 Things
When Writing Headlines
Online Marketing/General
- Duncan Morris/SEOmoz: 10 Things You Must Check When You Re-launch Your Website
Wow. Thanks for the link to Mack’s post on the ROI of Social Media. Awesome, awesome find. These monthly roundups are stellar.
Thanks for the link to my post, Matt! Humbled to be listed amongst a veritible “who’s who.” ; )
You’re both quite welcome. I aim to please. 🙂
Matt thanks for the link and mention!
So honored by the link, Matt. Muchisimas gracias! Have a very happy 3 day weekend…don’t spend all of it on the computer.
Agreed. Quite stellar! Great overview of all the best SEO posts of the month in one nifty package. Its a top 5 SEO resource fo’ sho’!
nice! great help to us new bloggers!
I have only seen 2 out of the above list, these all look great. Thanks!
I know I’m slow, but this is a real honor 🙂 Thanks for these round-ups, Matt.