August ’09: Best Search/Marketing Posts

Filed in Link Roundups by Matt McGee on August 31, 2009

Here’s my roundup of the best search/marketing posts I found and read during August. If you’re new to this blog, this is a monthly feature that began way back in 2007. You can find earlier “Best Of”s for each month in the archives: 2008 Best Posts and 2007 Best Posts. I never include my own posts in these end-of-month recaps.

Local Search

Small Business



Link Building

Social Media

Blogs & Blogging

Online Marketing/General

Comments (9)

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  1. Lisa Barone says:

    Wow. Thanks for the link to Mack’s post on the ROI of Social Media. Awesome, awesome find. These monthly roundups are stellar.

  2. John Lee says:

    Thanks for the link to my post, Matt! Humbled to be listed amongst a veritible “who’s who.” ; )

  3. Matt McGee says:

    You’re both quite welcome. I aim to please. 🙂

  4. Mack Collier says:

    Matt thanks for the link and mention!

  5. Miriam says:

    So honored by the link, Matt. Muchisimas gracias! Have a very happy 3 day weekend…don’t spend all of it on the computer.

  6. Agreed. Quite stellar! Great overview of all the best SEO posts of the month in one nifty package. Its a top 5 SEO resource fo’ sho’!

  7. Jr says:

    nice! great help to us new bloggers!

  8. I have only seen 2 out of the above list, these all look great. Thanks!

  9. Virginia says:

    I know I’m slow, but this is a real honor 🙂 Thanks for these round-ups, Matt.