April ’10: Best Search/Marketing Posts

Filed in Link Roundups by Matt McGee on May 1, 2010

Here’s my roundup of the best search/marketing posts I found and read during April. If you’re new to this blog, this is a monthly feature that began way back in 2007. You can find earlier “Best Of”s for each month in the Link Roundups category archive. I never include my own posts in these end-of-month recaps.

Local Search


Link Building

Blogs & Blogging

Social Media



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Sites That Link to this Post

  1. Top 10 For the Weekend - May 7, 2010 | May 7, 2010
  1. Allen says:

    Hey Matt, I was happened to read few of your listed best post that falls under Social Media and Blogs category. Anyways, I look forward reading all other posts! Thanks for sharing! I would also like to share another important post I read in the last month, here is that: http://bit.ly/aArMPn (just as you, its not my own post! 😉

  2. Ken Lyons says:

    Hey, Matt.

    Thanks so much for including my amazing backlinks article in your roundup. Much appreciated!
