April ’08: Best Search/Marketing Posts

Filed in Link Roundups by Matt McGee on May 1, 2008

WOW. I’ve been doing these monthly roundups for the better part of 16-18 months, and April 2008 will go down as the best month yet. There are some fantastic articles linked below. If you’re new to SBS, this is a monthly feature. You can find earlier “Best Of”s for each month in the archives. Only rule is that my own posts are not eligible.

Oh, before you read, another reminder to please follow me on Twitter! (Remember, it’s for charity.)

Small Business

Local Search



Blogs & Blogging

Social Media

Reputation Management



Online Marketing/General

Search Tech

LOL Funny!


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  1. A Week’s Worth of Blogging | Matt McGee | May 3, 2008
  1. CarrieHill says:

    Love your roundup posts – there’s always things I miss!

  2. Matt McGee says:

    Thx so much, Carrie. 🙂

  3. These are great! Gottta love the round ups for us lazy people who want all the great stuff aggregated into one post! 🙂