Anyone Wanna be Reviewed on Bing?

Filed in Bing, Local Search by Matt McGee on February 21, 2010

Here’s a screenshot that the folks in Redmond won’t like:


How about that? “Results 1-3 of 3 for review us on bing“. And yes, you’ll get a lot more results if you try that search using Google, Yahoo, or Yelp.

Bing might be gaining search share, but it’s way behind on having SMB’s asking customers to write reviews there.

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  1. Mick Johnson says:

    I do hope that Yahoo don’t take Bing’s local review as well as their search 🙂
    It’s truly amazing that a company the size of Microsoft can’t make it work – unless they’re planning more of a tie-up with Yahoo…..

  2. Brian says:

    Hmm, looks like it’s up to 300+. Still 2,000 X less than even Yelp.