And finally … ReviewMe launches

Filed in Blogging by Matt McGee on November 9, 2006

And for my 5th and final post of the day (a couple of those earlier ones were actually written in advance and timed for posting tonight)….

ReviewMe logoI’ve just signed up today for ReviewMe, an interesting service that aims to connect advertisers with something to pitch, and bloggers looking for something to write about. Yes, it means bloggers will be getting paid to review stuff. But where ReviewMe goes right is that they don’t require the blogger to write a positive review.

I signed up this blog, as well as a sports-related blog I’ve been doing for more than two years.

Why did I sign up? No, not to make money. (Neither of my blogs gets enough traffic to qualify for worthy paydays from ReviewMe. Though I suppose there’s a chance I could win some of the $25k they’re giving away.)

I signed up because I think there could be some real value here for small business owners who are looking to get their product, service, idea, name, or whatever, out in front of eyeballs in the blogosphere. (Sorry, I hate that word.) The advertising is pretty cheap, and if you have a product or service you think is worth talking about — and you’re confident enough to risk a bad review — you could gain some pretty good exposure for a pretty small fee. I’m fascinated by the idea and want to see how it plays out; that’s why I signed up.

[tags]blogging, reviewme, pay per post, pay-per-post, reviews, small business, online marketing[/tags]

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