A Year-End (or Year-Beginning) Checklist for Small Business Websites

Filed in Small Biz Marketing, Web Site Content by Matt McGee on January 2, 2012

I had an idea to write an article with a checklist of items for small business owners to do once a year — stuff that would a good end-of-year or start-of-year project. You know, like “spring cleaning” but in the middle of winter.

Then it occurred to me that I’d already written an article like that about four years ago when I was still doing corporate work and was just a columnist for Search Engine Land. It’s still worth reading, despite its old age. So rather than rewrite the whole thing, I’ll just link:

A Small Business Year-End Web Site Checklist

I cover things like “Review your email routing,” “Review and test your contact forms” and “Review your domain record.” Those are important things that often get overlooked but should be checked at least once a year.

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  1. Kris says:

    I’m reviewing all the inbound links for clients. I tend to get ahead of myself and keep messy records. I hate bookkeeping. So that is my checklist: Are all the inbound links accounted for?