A “very exciting” search macro

Filed in Bing, SEO & Web Tools by Matt McGee on October 17, 2006

MSN Live SearchNever in my life would I have guessed I’d see the phrase “very exciting” used to describe a search macro. But there it is, right out in the open for all to see on the MSN Live Search blog. And I actually think the phrase is used correctly, too!

MSN is announcing a new LinkFromDomain search operator, which lets you see all the links pointing OUT from any domain. Example: LinkFromDomain:smallbusinesssem.com

This can be a helpful tool for small business owners/webmasters who want to see what sites the competition is linking to. Also helpful is combining the new operator with the LinkDomain operator, which shows you a domain’s reciprocal links. Example: LinkFromDomain:smallbusinesssem.com LinkDomain:smallbusinesssem.com (In my case, it’s not active link trading – it’s just the common back and forth linking that happens between blogs and sites of similar nature.)

[tags]msn, msn search, live search, seo, microsoft[/tags]

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