8 New Blogs I’m Reading
It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, and tonight’s a good night for it since the writing muse isn’t with me at the moment. Actually, I’m knee-deep in a couple longer articles/posts that may show up here or may show up on the “Small Is Beautiful” column at Search Engine Land. Not sure yet.
So, here’s a quick list of blogs I’ve recently started reading.
- SEO’Brien – Paul is in the March Madness contest, but won’t win!
- Karl Ribas — ditto!
- SEOCritique.com
- Weblog Tools Collection – you’ve probably seen this in your Admin area if you use WordPress, but if you’re not checking out the daily posts, you’re missing out on some great plug-ins, themes, and more.
- Digital Markets – Donna B. offers some great search analysis, but she really dislikes Google, and that makes it harder to stay tuned
- Chris Garrett – don’t know why it took this long to subscribe; I apparently dropped the ball when Performancing started to slip away
- Yelp.com blog
- DomainTools.com blog
When I started putting this list together, I was close to 200 feeds in Bloglines. I’ve convinced myself that my computer will explode if I ever hit 200, so I’ve just finishing a mini-purge and am back down to 185. Whew…..