2009 SEMMY Awards launching next week

Filed in SEMMY Awards by Matt McGee on January 15, 2009

All signs are “go” for the 2nd annual SEMMY Awards, which will launch on Monday. If you haven’t been following the site, here are a couple recent announcements:

David Mihm has done a marvelous job updating the site for this year’s awards, and we’re all set for next week. The nominees will be announced, one category at a time, beginning at 9:00 am PT on Monday. So, stay tuned for that on Monday. I’ll also be posting news and announcements via @semmys on Twitter.

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  1. Posts about SEO as of January 16, 2009 | The Lessnau Lounge | January 16, 2009
  1. Miriam says:

    I was just wondering about the SEMMYs, Matt. Good luck to all the judges and authors this year!
