Wall Street Journal (and me!) on Holiday Marketing

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on October 13, 2008

Wall Street Journal logoToday’s Wall Street Journal tackles the topic of holiday-season marketing for small businesses, with the idea being that, if holiday traffic and sales are a key part of your business plan, you better be thinking now about your holiday online marketing plan.

The article covers and expands on four main themes:

  1. Polish Your Web Site
  2. Work the Search Engines
  3. Tap Into Social Media
  4. Keep Up With Email

And get this: I’m quoted in the “Tap Into Social Media” section, talking about the need for local businesses to encourage online word-of-mouth:

A strong presence on review sites “encourages other shoppers to become customers, it’s good word-of-mouth marketing and can have long-term impact in the search engines, which often award better rankings to well-reviewed businesses,” Mr. McGee says.

Even without my own quote in there, it’s a good article. 🙂 Stephan Spencer is also quoted in the article, along with several other smart folks. Here’s the link:

Wall Street Journal: Help For The Holidays

For the sake of new readers, I should probably mention that I’m now an independent marketing consultant available for hire. Oh, and if you’re looking for more holiday marketing/optimization ideas, I might also point you to an oldie-but-goodie that I wrote for Search Engine Land: Tis The Season To Optimize For The Holidays.

Comments (7)

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  1. David Mihm says:

    Great going, Matt. Seemed to me to be an intelligently written, albeit simple, article. But given the difficulties of traditional media in understanding SEO and social media, that seems to be a winning combination 🙂

  2. MiriamEllis says:

    Awesome, Matt! I’m delighted for you! And, you gave very good advice.

  3. Tammy says:

    Thanks for the advice. We’re always looking for ways to optimize our site.

  4. Allan says:

    Wow – congrats for all the positive attention you’ve been getting.

  5. Jesse Heap says:

    Great article Matt! Well deserved quote as well – Congrats!

  6. Matt McGee says:

    Thanks for the kind words, gang. David — I agree with you. Sometimes you just have to be happy when the MSM gets the basics right and doesn’t cause any harm. 🙂

  7. Congratulations on this good publicity for your blog.

    It is time to be thinking about Christmas shopping.

    In fact, I wrote a post about it almost a month ago. I’ve linked to it above.