Links To Make a Mom (and Wife) Proud

Filed in Interviews by Matt McGee on May 10, 2008

I’m still enjoying an almost Internet-free vacation, but found a way to hop online from our current HQ and am really enjoying catching up on more than 1,200 unread blog posts in my Bloglines account. (Didya catch the sarcasm in that sentence?)

Since Mother’s Day arrives in just a couple hours, and I’ll be spending the day with the best two moms in the world (my wife and my mom), here are a couple links both of my favorite moms would be proud of:

One of the things I came upon while trying to catch up is my latest SEL “Small Is Beautiful” column, an interview with Cathy Hillen-Rulloda. Cathy is a florist in Anaheim and very smart when it comes to local search and online marketing for small businesses. I’m not stretching imagination in that interview when I say she knows as much or more about local SEO than a lot of local SEOs.

And I also came upon a Q&A I did with David Mihm right before this vacation began. It was fun to do because we talked about a lot more than just the regular SEO and online marketing stuff.

Back to vay-kay I go…….

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