I’m On the Hot Seat Next Week
Career craziness aside, I’ll still be in Portland next week to take part in an evening “Hot Seat” event hosted by the great folks at SEMpdx. The plan is to give a somewhat lengthy presentation on the SEO Success Pyramid, and then join several members of SEMpdx to do a clinic on three Web sites. (By “somewhat lengthy,” I mean it’ll be longer and more detailed than the 20-25 minute version I gave at SBMU in Houston last month. I’m aiming for 45-60 minutes in Portland.)
Here are the details you need to know:
Date: May 20, 2008
Registration & Networking: 5:30 PM
Program: 6:00 – 8:00 PM
Location: Hotel DeLuxe (729 SW 15th Ave. Portland, OR 97205)
Food & beverages included. Yummm!
There are different prices for members and non-members, so check out the SEMpdx site for all the details. Come on out and say hello, would ya?
To SBS readers – I highly recommend attending, even if you’re not from the Northwest! Matt, looking forward to seeing you again. Hope you’ve gotten plenty of rest during your time off. 😀