How to Take Control of Your Small Business in Tough Times

Filed in Small Biz Marketing by Matt McGee on July 14, 2008

Apologies up front for a non-search-marketing post, but this is good stuff.

Times are tough. We all know it. In my local newspaper, the past month has included a few articles about small businesses closing up shop because gas prices are high, people aren’t going to restaurants as much, discretionary spending is down, etc., etc., etc.

On BloodHoundBlog today, Chris Johnson shares five things to help survive the current tough times:

  1. Ruthlessly Control Your Personal Spending.
  2. Control Your Environment.
  3. Lead Generation = 35% of your time, minimum.
  4. Have your Head in the Game and Not In Your….
  5. Define and Seek Peak Experiences.

The article is on a real estate blog and written for real estate agents, but it can be applied to almost any small business owner in any industry. This is the time to focus and take control, and Chris shares how to do that in simple language. Highly recommend you read the full article.

Comments (6)

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  1. Would LOVE a link to genuinechris from this–thanks for the link. ARe we both columbusites?

  2. Craig Parker says:

    Nice post, I enjoyed reading Chris’ article but I think there is so much going down, especially in the US and UK atm that is is very hard to block it all out and concentrate on your work.

  3. PPCJ says:

    This DEFINITELy applies to all industries… it’s vital to stay on track – it’s a make it or break it time in our economy..that’s for sure.

  4. Jen says:

    That list is definitely a good starting point. I would also like to add that small business would do well to develop more duplicatable systems into their business and owners stop being control freaks.

    Unfortunately, I’ve seen numerous small business owners lose out on opportunities because the owners couldn’t respond to the needs of their market simply by not having strategic systems in place to capitalize on them.

    Jen Thomas
    Research Analyst
    Muvar Software

  5. Joe Reis says:

    Good post. You should also add that business owners need to refine their brand in order to better stand out and be remarkable.

  6. I agree with these 5 points! I will mention this to many of my small business clients…thanks!