An Update on Blog Stuff and Life Stuff

Filed in Off-Topic, Site News by Matt McGee on May 31, 2008

At the risk of appearing vain, here’s a quick update on my life/career status. I share this only because friends and peers are emailing to ask how things are and what my plans are since I lost my job a month ago. (That post ranks #1 for “SEO career advice”, by the way. Hehehehe!)

I’ve had several interviews with some excellent companies, all of whom I would be very happy working with. I’ve received a couple offers, too. I expect to have one more interview next week in Seattle. I’ve also had several consulting opportunities come up that would be great if I choose to go into freelance SEO. I haven’t made any decisions, but am really itching to get back to work. So, after next week’s interview, I hope to make a decision on what’s next. Thanks to all who have asked.

In the meantime…

I’ve been updating Small Business SEM and adding some new pages and other content. Because there are bills to pay, I’ve taken some steps to monetize this blog:

1.) You’ve surely noticed the banner ads in the right column. I’ve set up a page with information for anyone wishing to advertise on Small Business SEM. You’ll find opportunities, rates, and PayPal buttons for people who are ready to advertise right away on the blog, in the RSS feed, or both.

2.) I’m doing an affiliate marketing program from TradePub, which offers YOU free business/industry magazines. You’ll notice some new graphics and text below the MyBlogLog widget in the right column. These are risk-free, no-gimmick offers. Here’s my TradePub / Small Business SEM home page.

3.) I’ve added a “Testimonials” page to the menu up top. In the event that I end up doing the solo/freelance consulting thing, I think it’ll be helpful to be able to point people to some of the super-nice things others have said about me. If I take a job with a company, I’ll remove that page … unless my employer thinks it’s smart to keep online. Thanks to everyone who’s quoted on that page; I really appreciate it.

That’s all. This is already longer than it should be. Apologies for the “me, me, me” post. Yuck.

I’ll be working at SMX Advanced next week, being the Q&A Moderator for three sessions on the organic track. Please say hello if you see me!

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  1. MiriamEllis says:

    Hi Matt –
    I’m so glad to hear you have interviews coming up. I have been wondering how you’ve been, and have been a little out of my normal loop because we’re house hunting. It sounds to me like you are running into great opportunities and I just knew you would! Very best of luck in the job hunt. Any company would be so lucky to have you.